Delta IV vs Falcon Heavy

September 20, 2021

Delta IV vs Falcon Heavy

Space exploration has come a long way since the launch of Sputnik, and much of that progress can be attributed to advancements in rocket technology. Two of the most powerful rockets in use today are the Delta IV and Falcon Heavy. In this blog post, we will compare the Delta IV and Falcon Heavy rockets in terms of specifications, capabilities, and costs.


Rocket Height (ft) Diameter (ft) Payload Capacity to LEO (lbs) Payload Capacity to GEO (lbs)
Delta IV Heavy 235 16.7 31,350 17,580
Falcon Heavy 229.6 39.9 70,000 31,130

As shown in the table above, the Falcon Heavy is taller and has a larger diameter than the Delta IV, but the Delta IV has a higher payload capacity to GEO. However, the Falcon Heavy has a significantly higher payload capacity to LEO.


Both rockets have been used for different missions, with the Delta IV most commonly used for military missions and the Falcon Heavy used for commercial missions.

The Delta IV has been used to launch a variety of military satellites, including reconnaissance satellites, navigation satellites, and communication satellites. It has also been used to launch the Parker Solar Probe, which is the spacecraft currently closest to the sun.

The Falcon Heavy, on the other hand, has been used to launch the Tesla Roadster into space, as well as to deliver supplies to the International Space Station. It has also been selected for future missions to the Moon and Mars.


The cost of each rocket varies depending on the specific mission requirements, but generally, the Delta IV is more expensive than the Falcon Heavy.

The Delta IV has a base cost of around $350 million per launch, while the Falcon Heavy has a base cost of around $90 million per launch. This cost difference is due in part to the fact that the Falcon Heavy is partially reusable, while the Delta IV is not.


In conclusion, both the Delta IV and Falcon Heavy are impressive rockets with different strengths and capabilities. The Delta IV has a higher payload capacity to GEO, making it ideal for military missions, while the Falcon Heavy has a higher payload capacity to LEO, making it ideal for commercial missions. Additionally, the Falcon Heavy is partially reusable and more cost-effective than the Delta IV. Ultimately, the choice between the two rockets depends on the specific mission requirements and budget.


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